September 2019: AgrAbility PA Project Highlights

Published by agrabilitypa on

In addition to preparing for the upcoming AgrAbility PA Regional Workshop, staff from the Agrability PA team was quite busy in September with a few end-of-summer events and meeting, as well as travel to farms across the state.

Child Ag Injury Prevention (CAIP) Workshop
Linda Fetzer, Abbie Spackman, and Kendra Martin attending the Child Ag Injury Prevention workshop held in Hershey, Pa., in mid-September. All three women had a chance to present and lead discussions on several topics surrounding the prevention of and attention to child ag injuries and farm safety topics in general for all ages on the farm.

Thanks to the National Children’s Center for Rural and Agricultural Health for hosting this important workshop.

Learn more at the National Children's Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety

Motivational Young Farmer
Jaylen helps her parents on their farm, Blue Dog Farms. She is a self-described "differently-abled" farmer girl who overcomes challenges and obstacles with grace and dignity. Isn't it awesome to see a young person eager about agriculture!?! AgrAbility PA staff member Abbie Spackman paid Jaylen a visit while traveling for farm visits. The two talked about challenges on the farm, ways to persevere, and assistive technology that could assist her with some tasks. One thing Jaylen uses is Gripeeze Gloves.

Jaylen (left) and Abbie meet on Blue Dog Farms.

Farm Service Agency Training
Abbie Spackman provided a training session to over 50 FSA staff member and loan officers. The full day workshop focused on mental health and stress among farmers. AgrAbility provided an overview of the AgrAbility project, resources for farmers in PA, and networking opportunities for FSA and AgrAbility.

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