PSU’s Ag Progress Days: August 2018
AgrAbility PA exhibited at Penn State University’s annual Ag Progress Days event in August. This event is the Super Bowl equivalent for not only Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences but for hundreds of vendors, exhibitors, strategic partners, ag researchers, ag educators, ag safety specialist, equipment dealers, and more with over 80+ acres of displays and demonstrations.
AgrAbility PA exhibited inside the Rural Health and Safety Tent where a variety of health screenings were offered -- blood pressure readings, stroke risk assessments, and a "Stop the Bleed" course. Hands-on demonstrations for assistive technology included the Stand ‘N Plant seeder and planter, and staff also shared tips and tricks on: How To Do-It-Yourself: Modifying Your Workspace and Tools to be More Ergonomic. AgrAbility PA’s long-time occupational therapist Dwight Heller, who is a certified hand therapist and works with AgrAbility PA farmers, was also available to share information and consult with attendees one-on-one.
There was a lot of great information and demonstrations offered during the three day event, but one of the highlights had to be when Jo stopped by to see AgrAbility PA. Her husband Ben, who passed away one year ago in an automobile accident, connected with AgrAbility PA and PA’s Office of Vocational Rehabilitation a few years ago when his Multiple Sclerosis symptons were impacting his work on their horse farm. He was able to acquire an Action Trackchair and a motorized lift for his truck. Jo came to Ag Progress Days this year and specifically sought out AgrAbility PA’s exhibit as she wanted us to know how much she appreciated that support, as it made Ben’s last few years on the farm more manageable and pleasant. He was having fun again, she said. AgrAbility PA staff were touched by Jo’s sincerity and happy she stopped by. The staff intends to keep in touch with Jo, as she offered to be a resource for the project moving forward.
AgrAbility PA Project Assistant Abbie Spackman reviewed some of the factors related to stress and methods to cope with it at the Center for Dairy Excellence Breakfast during the event. Pennsylvania's dairy industry has been fighting through stormy waters for several years. Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf unveiled his Pennsylvania Dairy Development Plan at this same breakfast.
AgrAbility staff member Kendra Martin attended a legislative panel discussion at the event. Congressional representatives were on hand to discuss local, state, and national agricultural issues and answer questions. U.S. Congressman Glenn “GT” Thompson (serving the 5th district in Pennsylvania) was on the panel and has been a supporter of the Farm Bill. Kendra Martin had an opportunity to talk with Congressman Thompson and highlight AgrAbility’s important work in PA and across the country.
- Kendra Martin, Abbie Spackman, and Dr. Connie Baggett at Ag Progress Days, Aug. 2018.
- Dwight Heller, right, meets with an Ag Progress Days attendee.
- Abbie Spackman at the Dairy Farmer Breakfast at Ag Progress Days, Aug. 2018
- Legislative panel at Ag Progress Days, Aug. 2018
- Abbie Spackman and Kendra Martin at Ag Progress Days, Aug 2018.
- Kendra Martin demonstrates the Stand ‘N Plant planter as a piece of assistive technology.
- Abbie Spackman explains how the Stand ‘N Plant seeder works as a piece of assistive technology.
- Dwight Heller is a certified hand therapist and does occupational therapy evaluations for AgrAbility PA.
- PA Farm Bureau representative Joe Diamond stops by the AgrAbility PA exhibit.
- AgrAbility PA exhibited inside the Rural Health and Safety Tent.
- PSU Prof. and AgrAbility PI Dr. Connie Baggett and Dwight Heller, OT/CHT.
- AgrAbility PA’s exhibit included assistive technology and DIY modify your workspace.