November 2019: AgrAbility PA Project Highlights
AT Awareness Day at Penn State DuBois
AgrAbility PA demonstrated farm and garden assistive technology during the Penn State DuBois Assistive Technology Awareness Day on Nov. 7. This annual event is co-hosted by Pennsylvania’s Office of Vocational Rehabilitation and Penn State DuBois’ Occupational Therapy Program. Students, faculty, service providers, and the public attended this event. AT Demos included ergonomic tools, gloves, Stand ‘N Plant planters, and DIY tool and worksite modifications.
Homegrown by Heroes Recognition Ceremony
Pennsylvania’s Department of Agriculture and Department of Military Affairs co-hosted a Homegrown by Heroes Recognition Ceremony on November 8. AgrAbility PA participated in a round-table discussion following the ceremony. Discussion focused on providing support and resources to veterans in agriculture. Veteran farmers shared their perspective on current resources and needs. AgrAbility PA followed-up with several participants and shared AgrAbility-specific resources.

AgrAbility PA at PA Farm Bureau's Annual Statewide Meeting
AgrAbility PA provided a “Farm Safety and Family Wellness” session during Pennsylvania Farm Bureau (PFB)’s Annual Statewide Meeting in November. The session provided an overview of AgrAbility PA and PSU Ag Safety and Health but focused on practical tips and tools to encourage health, safety, and secondary injury prevention. The session included hands-on assistive technology demos, interactive activities, and resources. Over 30 farm bureau members attended the session. The session was also broadcast on PCN, Pennsylvania’s Cable Network.

AgrAbility PA also participated in the Health and Wellness Fair held during the PFB annual statewide meeting. The fair brought together health care providers and farm safety and health programs to offer information and health screenings. AgrAbility PA provided back health and arthritis information along with hands-on AT and back injury prevention demos.