May 2019: AgrAbility PA Project Highlights

AgrAbility PA staff members spent a day touring dairy farms and learning about automation, assistive technology, and other advances in the dairy industry –from animal comfort and production to robotic and technological support. Robotic milkers can advance a farmer’s productivity, herd management, and output. Other technologies included automatic mixers, feeders, and takeoffs. All of these can assist a farmer in significant ways, and could most definitely benefit a farmer with a disability or health condition. Many thanks to the southeastern Penn State Extension Dairy Team for setting up a great day of farm tours and informational opportunities.

FACT: Pennsylvania has nearly 1 million veterans living within our communities; this is the fourth largest Veterans population in the country.
AgrAbility PA staff joined dozens of folks from around the state dedicated to Veteran services, employment, and health for a one-day summit event. This coalition is called: Pennsylvania Americans showing Compassion, Assistance, and Reaching out with Empathy for Service Members (PA CARES). The keynote speaker at PA CARES was Kortney Clemons –a Veteran and Penn State University graduate who has an inspiring story to share and spoke highly of the support PSU provided to him as a student with a disability.

Mr. Lifty (a back health demonstration tool) and AgrAbility PA staff member Abbie Spackman spent the day providing back health and safety information to Penn State University employees during a safety expo. Many attendees had agricultural backgrounds or were interested in AgrAbility information for relatives and community members.