April 2021: AgrAbility PA Project Highlights
Staff members Abbie Spackman and Linda Fetzer partnered with Penn State Extension’s Farm Stress Team to host and teach “Communicating with Farmers Under Stress” in an online workshop format. A wide range of individuals with various involvements in agriculture attended the interactive training.

The duo also presented an NTW session, “Table Talk: Assistive Tech for Women in Ag,” on a Zoom session set-up by the National AgrAbility Project (NAP). Lots of tips, products, and information was shared among attendees. Watch Abbie explain the using a top-referred product line: Green Heron Tools’ HerShovel and HerSpading Fork.

Video link: https://fb.watch/5io13QPMNL/
Staff members spent time in April planning and preparing for a mix of hybrid events (in-person and virtual) with AgrAbility PA’s key partners and stakeholders. It is a hopeful time to see some returning events and interactions occurring within the health and safety guidelines set by the COVID-19 pandemic.