Stay Great: 8 Tips for Winter Safety
Farming doesn’t stop in the winter – but it is important that we are prepared and take extra precaution.
Here are some tips for staying safe while working in colder conditions:
Walking on Snow and Ice: It is difficult to walk on snow and ice in the winter and serious injury can occur from slipping and sliding. Make sure that you are wearing comfortable boots with good rubber tread. Ice grippers for the bottom of your shoes may also be helpful in reducing falls.
Take Your Time: When walking on snow and ice, take your time and slow down! Taking smaller steps may help you to react more quickly to a potential fall.
What to Wear: It’s simple – dress in layers. Make sure that you have adequate clothing and accessories for the frigid temperatures and precipitation.
Stay Connected: Make sure that people know where you are working and have a way to reach you. Carry a cell phone or two-way radio so that other family members or co-workers can reach you in the event of an emergency.
Don’t Slip: Use caution when entering a building as the floor may be slippery from water or snow. Install a non-skid rug to reduce the risk of falling.
Get a Grip: If your boots do not provide adequate traction, a pair of ice-grippers may provide you with extra stability in the winter months. Same thing with gloves – make sure you have a pair with grips to protect your hands.
Look Before You Step: Whether going into the barn or stepping onto a tractor, it does not take long for ice to accumulate on a surface. Look before taking that first step!
Have Fun: Take some time when things on the farm are not as busy and give yourself a break. Do something that sparks joy like hunting, reading, traveling, or simply enjoy some quiet downtime around the house.