Springtime on the Farm

Published by Joyce Brkopac on

Springtime is a beautiful awakening of life as land and trees begin to show color in beautiful flowering buds and greening grass. Livestock are giving birth to their young and temperatures are starting to warm up. It signals time to prepare for planting in the fields and home garden plots on the farm. AgrAbilityPA is here to help Pennsylvania farmers who have a disability or long-term health condition continue doing the job that they love to do. We can help you take a look at any assistive technology needs that you may have as you head into the planting season. If you would like more information on what AgrAbilityPA can do for you contact us at AgrAbilityPA.org or AgrAbility@psu.edu or call us at 814-867-5288

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Joyce Brkopac

Joined the AgrAbility Project August of 2023 as a a Digital Media and Outreach Coordinator. Working for UCP of Central PA for 7 years as a Community Participation Support Supervisor of Adults who have disabilities. US Navy Veteran with specialty as a Hospital Corpsman 11+ years with both active and reserve service time. Has an Associate of Arts Degree in Human Services and training in Visual Communications from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh.