Summer 2022: AgrAbility PA Project Highlights
Summer has been sizzling for the staff of AgrAbility PA – and not only because Pennsylvania has experienced one of the hottest summers on record this year!
Farm assessments were plentiful, outreach events had increased crowds, and awareness of AgrAbility’s services and support continues to reach new audiences across the state. Read below about some highlights from June, July, and August.
Regional Workshop on Urban Ag in Ohio

Staffers Abbie Spackman and Kendra Martin attended a regional workshop hosted by Ohio AgrAbility in June. Topics on urban agriculture and assistive technology on the farm provided great learning opportunities in addition to networking with staff from other state AgrAbility projects, the National AgrAbility Project, agricultural vendors, and colleagues.
AgrAbility PA Farmers are front & center in Penn Lines Magazine

AgrAbility PA was featured on the front-cover of Penn Lines magazine in the July 2022 issue. It is a monthly print and online news magazine read by more than 400,000 electric cooperative consumer-members in Pennsylvania. The article has resulted in many mentions and several referrals to staff members this summer.
Check out the article on pages 8-12:
The Farmer Stress Management Toolbox
Suzanna Windon along with Carolyn Henzi Plaza, Daniel Robotham, and Abbie Spackman have published a Farmer Stress Management Toolbox – a series of articles and resources related to stress management among farm populations. The information is available in both English and Spanish.
Links to the 3-part series:
Defining Stress - Part 1
Understanding Stress - Part 2
Managing Stress - Part 3
PSU's Ag Progress Days 2022

Penn State’s Ag Progress Days took place in August and continues to be the premier outdoor agricultural event in the state. The three-day event took place Aug. 8-10 and it was busy -- crowds were bustling and the AgrAbility PA staff (pictured) interacted with hundreds of people. Abbie Spackman organized the Rural Health & Safety tent which included health screenings, safety seminars, equipment demos, and a dozen organizations with exhibits.
Take a look at the photo gallery below for highlights from the Rural Health and Safety Tent. Thanks to all the fellow exhibitors!

Take a Listen: AgrAbility PA featured on WPSU's Health Minute

AgrAbility PA was featured on WPSU-FM (an NPR-affiliate public radio station for central and northern Pennsylvania) for a Health Minute segment in August.
Take a listen: