September/October 2020: AgrAbility PA Project Highlights
AgrAbility PA staff has resumed fully on-site farm assessments for new farmers (with added health and safety precautions due to COVID-19). Staff have been following up with clients who have recently received assistive technology. One farmer purchased a pre-owned, side-entry skid steer with a low-interest loan through the state’s alternative financing program: Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation (PATF). He was very excited about this purchase and the ease of access the side entry provides. He is very eager to share his experience with other farmers about the resources and assistance he received through AgrAbility!

Whether rain or shine, the AgrAbility PA staff works through it. Abbie Spackman met with a client to ensure his assistive technology was implemented and meeting his needs. This included testing out the Life Essentials AG Platform Lift that was recently installed on his combine which will enable him to access this piece of equipment in a safe way (video below). This lift was obtained with financial assistance provided by the state’s Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR). AgrAbility PA continues to have a great working relationship with OVR and the project is grateful for their support. During this time, some new needs where assessed and the discussion focused on preventing secondary injuries while using assistive technology. Â
The AgrAbility PA Advisory Board met in a virtual meeting in September. It was a welcome chance to meet and share ideas. Additional virtual, small-group sessions will take place during the month of October to solicit and exchange feedback from board members.
Finally, the students with Tyrone FFA have had their story shared by the National FFA on AgrAbility PA has been thrilled with this interaction in helping students learn more about farmers with disabilities and the story sharing that has come from it.

AgrAbility PA thoroughly enjoyed our time at the AgrAbility Virtual State Fair! Thanks to Paul Jones (NAP) for his leadership in coordinating and corralling the various components that made up this collaborative online event! AgrAbility PA saw increased engagement and interaction on Facebook and Twitter on their featured day and in the weeks that followed. Thank you to all the projects that came together to support this new initiative.