Gripeeze Gloves

Gripeeze Gloves
Disability or Health Condition: Diminished or weakened grip strength to do arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, or other hand-joint-related health conditions.
Description/Purpose: The Gripeeze Glove provides support for an arthritic hand and helps makes gripping easier.
The Gripeeze Glove provides support for an arthritic hand and helps makes gripping easier. The unique strapping system is designed to increase grip while relieving pressure from the hand when doing activities and chores.
This adapted work and garden glove is weather protected and waterproof making it ideal for most work and outdoor activities. The leather tipped fingers provide added protection. Soft leather and neoprene palm with triple lined cotton inner provides added comfort. The wrist to knuckle strapping system relieves pressure and tension from the hand and forearm and provides a firm hold on objects with minimal pressure. The unique left hand glove benefits people that suffer from a physical or medical condition affecting their hand. The single glove is easy to put on and take off and is available in five sizes: Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large & XXL. This glove is recommended by Occupational Therapists and Sports Injury Specialists and is ideal for anyone with a hand deficiency.
Price Range: $30 per pair
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Assistive technology (AT) is any item, piece of equipment, or product system that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities for someone with a disability or long-term health condition.

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