Utility Terrain Vehicle
Utility Terrain Vehicle
(also known as a UTV)
Disability or Health Condition: Back and neck pain, spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, and other health conditions affecting one's ability to access or move about the farm or property
When investing in a UTV, it is important to select the correct option based on the individual’s functional capabilities, farm environment, and farm tasks.
A UTV can be an excellent choice for certain farm environments and tasks, however, there are many things to take into consideration when selecting one.
It is not one-size-fits-all: different types of brands, makes, and models should be considered. Test driving several UTVs prior to purchasing one is highly recommended.
- Cab with Environmental Controls
- Do you have a medical condition that causes hypersensitivity to heat and cold? If so, a UTV with a cab, heat, and air conditioning is worth consideration.
- Door Handles & Door Hinges
- Do you have functional limitations in your hands or upper extremities? Door handles on UTVs range from push button to twist levers. Be sure to select a type that is easy to open. Some UTV doors hinge from the back while others hinge from the front. This makes a difference on how you enter the cab and can impact accessibility.
- Seating
- Bench, bucket, and split seats all affect access and comfort.
- Safety Grab Bar
- These bars can assist with access (or hinder) depending on the location of the bars and your mobility.
- Operation Controls
- Are you able to operate the controls? Will the controls require modification, such as hand controls? Select a model that will require the least amount of modifications. Always follow safety guidelines when operating a UTV. Obtain driver training if needed, especially when modifications are made to the operation controls.
Additional features to consider include manual or electric dump bed, height of cargo bed, tilt steering wheel, power windshield wiper, cargo bed features, and attachment capabilities or special features, such as a PTO connection.
AgrAbility PA is able to perform an on-site farm assessment and offer assistance in selecting a UTV. AgrAbility PA does not provide direct funding for assistive technology such as a UTV, however, the AgrAbility PA staff can suggest potential funding resources. Farmers with a disability or long-term health condition may be eligible for funding through the Pennsylvania Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR), Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation (PATF), or other third-party funding sources.
- John Deere Gator UTV
Website: www.deere.com/en/gator-utility-vehicles
- Kubota Utility Vehicles
Website: www.kubotausa.com/utility-vehicles/agriculture
Price Range: Varies (price dependent on configuration and make/model)
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What is Assistive Technology?
Assistive technology (AT) is any item, piece of equipment, or product system that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities for someone with a disability or long-term health condition.
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